Facebook Has Rebuilt Atlas

It's official, Facebook has just relaunched their latest advertising platform, Atlas. With the amount of people spending a huge portion�of time on their mobile devices (more than ever, actually), it has been increasingly difficult for the marketer. Creating a profound impact on the marketer�s influence�on a consumer�s path to purchase, sign up or subscribe.� This is an issue that�both marketers and advertisers face when trying to bridge the gap between online impressions and offline purchases.To really get an understanding of what I am talking about, imagine this scenario. Let�s say that you are trying to get the attention of a certain demographic, say, a tech-savvy music enthusiast. �No, let�s break that down even more. We want to find a 21-25 year old, male, tech-savvy, electronic music enthusiast interested in quality headphones. The current methods to tracking said demographic (other than coming in to chat with me) would be to log in to your AdWords or Facebook Ads account, and get started on targeting certain metrics like (age, occupation, gender, interests, etc.). Now, while this might seem to be targeted enough to find our male tech dude, there�s a disconnect when we target across multiple devices. The current platform uses�cookies to track websites that our demographic visits and then ads are then showed to him on the websites he visits.The problem here is that cookies do not work on mobile devices. Thus, the disconnect between marketer and consumer. Here is where Atlas comes in.Atlas allows marketers to track users across multiple devices and set up targeted ad campaigns. You�ll be able to determine if a certain product was bought on a desktop or offline after viewing an ad on mobile. So, for example, if our male tech dude�goes and visits a Best Buy for�headphones, marketers will be able to track if the sale was triggered by a mobile ad. This is dependent on whether he�discloses the�same email tied to his Facebook account at check out, but still a huge leap in conversion tracking. The connection comes from Facebook letting�the retailer know if and when said tech dude�viewed their ad�online. It�s a game changer and, ultimately, it�s making the scope of purchasing a lot more human by tracking people, not statistics.

Key Takeaway

The more you can deliver on people-based marketing, the more success you�ll have in creating a human-centered company.What do you all think about this new ad platform?